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What are the classifications of lithium batteries?

2022-12-29 15:40:25

Lithium battery production

One is lithium batteries shipped separately.

Lithium battery as a kind of lithium metal or lithium alloy as positive/negative electrode material, using non-aqueous electrolyte solution of the battery, can be divided into lithium metal battery and lithium ion battery. Lithium-metal batteries contain metallic lithium, which is usually not rechargeable, while lithium-ion batteries do not contain metallic lithium, which can be recharged. When shipped separately, their corresponding UN numbers are 3090 and 3480.

Lithium batteries are shipped with the equipment.

In actual trade shipments, lithium batteries are often shipped together with equipment, and there are two main scenarios. One is that the battery is installed in the device, and the other is that the battery is packaged with the device. In either case, the corresponding UN numbers are 3091 and 3481, depending on whether lithium is metallic or not.

Three are devices or vehicles powered by lithium batteries.

In recent years, all kinds of new energy vehicles powered by lithium batteries emerge in endlessly, including bicycles, cars, balance vehicles and so on. The International Maritime Hazard Code assigns UN number 3171 to such products.

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